Obstacles and difficulties of scientific publishing in peer-reviewed scientific journals in the faculties of economics in Libyan universities

From the point of view of faculty members in accounting departments


  • Musa Mohammed Kribat Faculty of Economics - Alkums / Elmergib University - Libya


peer-reviewed scientific journals , Obstacles of scientific publishing , Libyan Universities, faculties of economics


This study aimed to identify obstacles and difficulties of scientific publication in scientific journals on economics faculties in Libyan universities. For implementing the study goals, the study used the descriptive analytical approach through a questionnaire survey conducted and distributed on a random sample of (60) teaching staff who are working in accounting departments in economics faculties in Elmergib University and Asmarya University . The findings of this study suggest that the most significant obstacles and difficulties that facing teaching staff in accounting departments are: long period of evaluating scientific researches and delaying its publication, the private relationships have had a role in accepting and publishing scientific researches, and there is a vast conflict in evaluators` notes in the same research. According to the results of study the author conducted some useful recommendations to overcome the obstacles and difficulties of scientific publication in scientific journals



How to Cite

Kribat, M. M. (2021). Obstacles and difficulties of scientific publishing in peer-reviewed scientific journals in the faculties of economics in Libyan universities: From the point of view of faculty members in accounting departments. Afaqeqtisadia Journal , 7(14), 213–250. Retrieved from https://afaq.elmergib.edu.ly/index.php/afaq/article/view/47