A standard study of the role of agricultural labor in developing the agricultural sector in Libya during the period (1981-2011).


  • Saad Arif Fadlallah Muhammad Faculty of Agriculture, Omar Al-Mukhtar University
  • Mohamed Salem Musa Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tripoli
  • Alamin Almadkor Alfetori Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sirte


Agricultural labor


The study aims to evolution the number of the Libyan workers in general and in agricultural sector during the study period (1981-2011). Estimate the economic model of the record market of agricultural labor and to identify the most influential economic variables in the agricultural labor market. The study relied on the analytical method and the descriptive and quantitative through estimation year regression model in different image to calculate the evolution of affecting the agricultural labor, this economic variables in addition to some measures and indicators of employment, such as the standard labor productivity and labor costs and per worker of investments in general and at agricultural level as well to estimate the standard model of agricultural labor in Libya.The most important results showed that the value of labor wages took a general trend increasingly amounted to 6.7% during the study period, while agricultural labor wages value is less than total employment in the general direction where the 5.1%, and take the value of the monthly wage of agricultural labor and the value of the daily wage of agricultural labor the same growing general trend for the same period. The results showed that worker productivity take a general trend was decreasing 2.6-% Unlike agricultural worker productivity take in the direction of increasing the same amount during the study period. As well as that the agricultural worker's share of the cropped area in hectares taking an increasing trend year amounted to about 3.8%, the results also showed that the economic efficiency of agricultural labor took a general trend increasing 5.3% and an average of 0.72 and economic efficiency of the labor college I took a general trend decreasing 5.6-% and an average of 2.42.The study concluded to emphasize the role of national employment and training on how localization of technical and good use.



How to Cite

Muhammad, S. A. F., Musa, M. S., & Alfetori, A. A. (2016). A standard study of the role of agricultural labor in developing the agricultural sector in Libya during the period (1981-2011). Afaqeqtisadia Journal , 2(04), 23–47. Retrieved from https://afaq.elmergib.edu.ly/index.php/afaq/article/view/110