آفاق اقتصادية

About the Journal

Afaqeqtisadia journal is a peer-reviewed scientific journal concerned with publishing original scientific research and studies in the field of economic sciences. It is issued semi-annually by the College of Economics at Elmergib University.

Afaqeqtisadia journal publishes peer-reviewed scientific research and studies in the field of economic and political sciences in Arabic, English, and French. The journal focuses on research that is concerned with issues related to the national economy in terms of analyzing the problems that concern this economy and proposing appropriate policies to deal with them with a neutral scientific vision committed to an approach. Scientifically, it aims to develop the spirit of creativity and develop scientific research tools and methods in order to emulate contemporary scientific developments.

The journal also provides room for publishing critical comments on recently published books, especially recent and important international books, and allows each of these comments a space of no more than a page and a half, provided that these comments are characterized by objectivity and deep analysis to show the merits of these books in order to benefit from them.

The journal also publishes reports on scientific seminars and conferences, allocating space for each of these reports not exceeding three pages during which the objectives and topics of this or that symposium or conference are stated, as well as brief summaries of the most important scientific papers presented during it and its most important recommendations, with the necessity of mentioning the title of the symposium or conference, its date, and the place of its holding.


Current Issue

Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024): Volume (10), Issue (2), December 2024 AD.
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