Strategic Planning for Human Resources and its Impact on Employee Performance

Field Study at Misurata Medical Center


  • Mustafa Mohammed Ben Khalifa
  • Ismail M. Al.nihewi


strategic planning, human resources, employee performance


This study aims to reveal the reality of strategic planning for human resources and its impact on the performance of employees at Misrata Medical Center. The researchers adopted the descriptive approach, using a questionnaire form prepared as a tool for collecting and analyzing data for the study population, which numbered (56) individuals, and the number of questionnaires suitable for analysis was (56) questionnaires. That is: the equivalent of (100%), tested using a comprehensive survey method, using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program to arrive at the results of the study. Appropriate statistical tests that are appropriate to the nature of the study were used based on the analysis of the study’s quantitative data.

The study reached several results, the most important of which is that there is a positive impact of the strategic plan for human resources on the performance of employees at the Misrata Medical Center. The process of strategic planning for human resources is relied upon to determine the center’s needs for employees. It relies strongly on the outputs of this process in order to identify the strengths and shortcomings and achieve integration between them. It is considered Strategic planning for human resources is part of the center’s general strategy that seeks to gain high competencies that do their work to the fullest extent. Employees have capabilities that enable them to innovate new methods of work. Employees express their opinions and submit their suggestions to influence decisions at work, which in turn affects the employees’ efficiency in performance. 


2023-12-26 — Updated on 2023-12-26


How to Cite

Ben Khalifa, M. . M., & Al.nihewi, I. M. (2023). Strategic Planning for Human Resources and its Impact on Employee Performance: Field Study at Misurata Medical Center. Afaqeqtisadia Journal , 9(18), 108–126. Retrieved from