Ethics of Scientific Research and Publishing


Policies and standards for the ethics of research and scientific publishing for the Journal of  Afaqeqtisadia

The rapid developments that the world of knowledge is witnessing are reflected in a tireless scientific movement by academic and research institutions and researchers in various types of knowledge, especially economic ones. The accumulated stock of knowledge in its various forms, the forefront of which is classified and peer-reviewed scientific research published in scientific journals, has become a true measure of the development of scientific institutions. At the global and local levels

The diversity of research topics in the various fields of science, most notably economic sciences, necessitates, when writing scientific research and publishing it in scientific works, adherence to policies and ethical controls for scientific publishing that would enhance the status of scientific institutions, researchers, and their research works, in addition to the status of the work in which these works are published, which is stated in: Introduction to peer-reviewed scientific journals

The concept of scientific research ethics refers to the philosophy of ethics and its connection with scientific research, with the aim of reviving its moral ideals among researchers, scholars, and students of science, which preserve science’s entity and research’s strength. From this standpoint, the Afaqeqtisadia journal publication, issued by the College of Economics, Elmergib University, and in order to improve scientific research and its scientific standing, stressed the necessity of adhering to Commitment to the ethics of scientific research and scientific publishing in accordance with the following controls and principles:

Fairness and objectivity: The researcher must be fair and objective in his research and discuss his ideas through scientific evidence to reach results that serve reality.

Eligibility for scientific research: Scientific research should be written by a researcher specializing in economic sciences, and the researcher should not write research in a field other than his original specialty.

Respect for intellectual property: It is considered one of the most basic ethics of scientific research, according to which the researcher may not attribute anything to others for himself, and when citing the opinions and writings of others, he must indicate their authors.

Constructive, purposeful criticism: Research accepted for publication in Afaqeqtisadia journal reflects the aim of purposeful criticism, in which the researcher is far from criticizing only the reality studied through the research presented.

Credibility of the research: The researcher must be honest in everything he writes, so that the research honestly reflects the case studied, which means the honesty of the results obtained, which are based on honesty in conveying and obtaining information, as is the case when writing it.

Emphasizing the continuity of scientific work: Scientific research is an ongoing process that is not linked to a specific time. Therefore, it is necessary to continue with it and learn about everything new by reviewing various periodicals and publications and participating in scientific conferences and seminars.

Maintaining the confidentiality of information: What the researcher presents in his research submitted for publication in Afaqeqtisadia journal, in which he must not reveal the identity of the study sample used in his research in any way, and not present it to others for the purpose of seeking help from it